Books & iPhone App
in the Jupiter Universe
Stories, Books, & Artwork
- Crafting new worlds
- Writing books
- Creative Writing
Where does my time go?
This is an excerpt from one the books I am writing, Robotic Confessions. One of the characters go sees his therapist to find out where his time goes? He swears he is very productive with his time but just can't seem to figure out where it is all going. His therapist,...
What is that Unsual Sound in our Place?
This is Chapter 1 of the Cranberry Moon Empire, written by J. A. Jupiter "What is that unusual sound in our place?" I ask my fiancé, Newton. My head tilts sideways, trying to locate that subtle buzzing sound It's early Friday morning, and we are both in the living...
What is that unsual sound? Buzzz!
"What is that unsual sound, Newton?" CB, asks her fiancé. Alert! You are entering the Artistic image of cranberries Moon lettering in cranberries empire lettering in cranberries Yes, you are in the Cranberry Moon Empire universe. CB, the main character and she hears...
“I am going back to my first love,” he wrote. He placed his confessional note on the coffee table, next to her phone. He shut the door quietly and left. An hour later, she woke up and picked up the brief note. Those terrible words pierced through her heart, creating a...
A Storm is Brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat
The September Friday Fractal Art in the Jupiter Universe is about a storm. This abstract piece is called, A Storm is Brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat. Or should I write A Brewing Sea Storm? A storm is brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat Either way, a...
Celebrating release of the Cranberry Moon Empire App
We are celebrating the release of our first story game app, Cranberry Moon Empire in the iPhone Apple store. For the celebration, I created a video featuring Cranberry Festival. Celebrating Cranberry Moon Empire App...
Cranberry Moon Empire App is OUT
I have some exciting news. The first series of Cranberry Moon Empire App has been released. Chapters from 1 through 8 of the interactive novel are available for you to download in the App store now. Below is the link to the Cranberry Moon Empire game app....
Fractal Art with Jupiter’s characters
I plan to do Friday Fractal Art with Jupiter's character series from the eyes of my characters in the books I am writing. There are characters in my books who love fractals four from different stories stand out in my mind. There is Mrs. Bear from the interactive novel...
Artistic Fireworks in the Cranberry Moon Empire
This blog is inspired by the story app we are currently creating. This post is about what the story game characters do in their free time. In this series, the cast of characters is shooting artistic fireworks in the Cranberry Moon Empire. CB’s media and photo company,...