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Progress Universe
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October Spooktacular Brussels Sprouts
The cast of characters in the Jupiter universe is celebrating the month of October. What do they like to do in October? October in the Jupiter universe Let’s see there is Nina from Cranberry Moon Empire. She usually travels and then gets back by the middle of October...
Nina’s chicken noodle bowl
Nina's chicken noodle bowl dish is a food series inspired for the Cranberry Moon Empire Novel App. Nina is a character from the current novel I am writing. Ever since Nina has learned how to make pasta, she can’t stop cooking it. She graduated from the humble...
Blue moon, pink moon, and artsy moon
Yesterday, I hung out with a friend. The moon was out, but I didn’t have my camera, the moon camera. I came home, and the moon was hanging out right outside my window. Well, not exactly right outside my window, but I could look outside and see it. So I ran inside and...
“I am going back to my first love,” he wrote. He placed his confessional note on the coffee table, next to her phone. He shut the door quietly and left. An hour later, she woke up and picked up the brief note. Those terrible words pierced through her heart, creating a...
A Storm is Brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat
The September Friday Fractal Art in the Jupiter Universe is about a storm. This abstract piece is called, A Storm is Brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat. Or should I write A Brewing Sea Storm? A storm is brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat Either way, a...
Vegetarian Purple Cabbage Coleslaw
I can see a few characters in my novels and novellas cooking with purple cabbage. I see Sujay Pushan from Peach Pie Brings Snow cooking cabbage. She is practical, most of the time, and she loves practical vegetables on her kitchen counter. Zinnia...
Celebrating release of the Cranberry Moon Empire App
We are celebrating the release of our first story game app, Cranberry Moon Empire in the iPhone Apple store. For the celebration, I created a video featuring Cranberry Festival. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf26FCgP4zM Celebrating Cranberry Moon Empire App...
Cranberry Moon Empire App is OUT
I have some exciting news. The first series of Cranberry Moon Empire App has been released. Chapters from 1 through 8 of the interactive novel are available for you to download in the App store now. Below is the link to the Cranberry Moon Empire game app....
Short Story Friday Fractal Art
This week I am creating a shorty story Friday fractal art. The setting is in Neptune. Neptune looks like a beautiful place, at least faraway. So, I was inspired to do an abstract theme in general about Neptune. The short story is still in the works. In the...