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Progress on the Cranberry Moon Empire App
While the developer is winding down on the last bit of the codes for the Cranberry Moon Empire game app, I am doing the last bits of research and getting my chapters together interactive novel. cranberries in a terracotta pot Cranberry Moon Empire is a read and play...
Cranberry Moon Empire, a Read and Play Novel
I am creating a text-based game called Cranberry Moon Empire. This is an interactive fiction novel that we are creating for IOS. The story is written in a way to read and make a choice. It is a read and play game novel. The read and play novel is still being revised...
Oregon red roasted potatoes with lemon and garlic
The side dish, Oregon red roasted potaoes with lemon and garlic, is a food series inspired by the intereactive story App, Cranberry Moon Empire. Cranberry Moon Empire is a novel set in Oregon. Nina is a character who lives in Portland in the fictional novel Cranberry...
Making Chinese chicken and rice on a Thursday Night in Oregon
What do characters in fiction eat? This is a food series for what characters eat from the interactive novel Cranberry Moon Empire that I am writing it as story app. This is something I expect Nina would make after a busy day on Thursday. She lives in Portland, Oregon....
How to eat a bowl of cereal with milk?
This post is a simple breakfast eating series inspired by writing my interactive novel, Cranberry Moon Empire. I am still working on the story with a developer since it is going to be in an app format. Now, let's get to business. How to eat simple...
What are some simple breakfasts?
This is a cooking series inspired by writing my novels. I guess, this would be a quick eating series. "Hey Nina, what are some simple breakfasts?" asks Lionel to Nina. "Let’s define what a simple breakfast is," says Nina. "I would consider a simple...
How To Make Waldorf Salad?
The character cooking series: What characters eat in my books? The character cooking series is about what my characters would cook or eat in the books or novellas I am writing. Characters in my book like to eat and cook so I that is a boost for me to take it to the...
How to make homemade potato wedges?
Comfort food on my mind It’s raining outside, and I am going to make some comfort food, some bar food, some good food. It’s a side dish, but I was ever so inspired to make it as I am writing a character that loves potato wedges. That got me thinking. If it’s that...
Cranberry Moon Empire
Currently, creating an interactive app novel. While I am writing the story and the developer is creating the app, I am shooting pictures of cranberries. Will be posting pictures soon.