Prose & Short Stories
in the Jupiter Universe
Recreational Reading Zone
- Crafting new worlds
- Contemporary journeys
- Observations of Curious Characters
The chickadee who wants an afternoon bath
The chickadee who wants an afternoon bath is a short prose inspired by the Cranberry Moon Empire. Cranberry Moon Empire is an interactive game app in the making. A solitary chickadee flies from a dwindling Pacific silver fir tree to a swinging limb on red alder and...
July Friday Fractal Art
July Friday fractal art is inspired by a character from Cranberry Moon Empire. Mrs. Bear, who lives in Alcove, Oregon, loves abstract art. Although, she visits Portland on a regular basis. Off and on, she creates art with the help of apps. Sometimes, in her downtime,...
Friday Fractal Art in the Jupiter Universe
I made four fractal pieces this week. A few of these pieces are from my character's viewpoint, and the last one came about by writing Scider the wizard cat. So what do we have for Friday fractal art in the Jupiter Universe? Let's start with Mrs. Bear. Eyes from...
What are some simple breakfasts?
This is a cooking series inspired by writing my novels. I guess, this would be a quick eating series. "Hey Nina, what are some simple breakfasts?" asks Lionel to Nina. "Let’s define what a simple breakfast is," says Nina. "I would consider a simple...
How To Make Waldorf Salad?
The character cooking series: What characters eat in my books? The character cooking series is about what my characters would cook or eat in the books or novellas I am writing. Characters in my book like to eat and cook so I that is a boost for me to take it to the...
Going to the pumpking patch in the autumn
The pumpkin patch I have never gone to a big pumpkin patch...and decided it was about time. Let's go. After I got out of the car, I walked around before I got to the big patch. First things first. I passed through a tent with a display of Indian corn, pepitas and...
Pumpkin Art
To Do List I keep meaning to go to a pumpkin patch, but haven’t worked my way to it. Most of the ones I looked up are quite a ways from where I live. In the meantime, I will just add to my places to go around here list. Today, though, when I went shopping at my local...
Stuff you need for each season in the Pacific Northwest
Four seasons in the Pacific Northwest There are four seasons here. Some seasons last here longer, but any case we do have four seasons. This is a small list I made for each season. For Winter Winter is December through February, and sometimes it might linger until...
Another summer June day in the Pacific Northwest
Weather in the Pacific Northwest Another summer June day in the Pacific Northwest has turned into a cloudy day, But that’s not gonna stop me from going outside––not today. I’m grabbing my hiking boots and putting it over the wool socks that I got at a discount at REI....