The September Friday Fractal Art in the Jupiter Universe is about a storm. This abstract piece is called, A Storm is Brewing in Scider the Wizard Cat. Or should I write A Brewing Sea Storm?

Either way, a storm is approaching. So wizards and wizard cats watch out! Come to think of it, this is not just a watch out storm, this is a sea storm, that will, well…
I will be posting more abstracts for Scider the Wizard Cat shortly as I complete the novel. Maybe, I should do a few abstracts of Amsterdam since part of the story is set in that location.
I started adding music in the background to the recent pieces of the mixed media. Now, I prefer the short abstract video with music. I would like to hear what you think?
At the moment, I am taking photos and editing photos. I am also focusing on the second series of the Cranberry Moon Empire App and creating a few abstract pieces for that novel. Please check out that story. You can find it in the iPhone App store. I have also started adding pins to