I am creating a text-based game called Cranberry Moon Empire. This is an interactive fiction novel that we are creating for IOS.
The story is written in a way to read and make a choice. It is a read and play game novel.
The read and play novel is still being revised at the developer level. As soon as I get more information, I will update it here.
Without going deep into the story right now, here are some of the main
characters and a little summary of them that I would like to share.
Cast of Characters
The cast of Characters for Cranberry Moon Empire
CB – CB is the main character who moved from Portland Oregon to a small town, Alcove, Oregon
Newton: CB’s Fiancé. Newtown works all the time.
Victoria- Victoria is CB’s good friend who moved away to Australia, and they still keep in touch mainly through social media.
Evelyn- Evie is CB’s good friend who is going through her own life changes. Evelyn still lives in Portland.
Mrs. Bear – CB’s neighbor. There is more to Mrs. Bear than what actually CB sees.
Iffey Tue- Iffey Tue is CB’s friend who lives in Minnesota. They mostly communicate through a photo forum. He is her sounding board in some situations of the story.
Nina- Nina is CB’s good friend who lives in Portland. She is taking up new hobbies.
Buzzing sounds – we don’t know what that is and who is behind it. And that is the mystery CB must solve.
The Setting of the Story
The setting of the story takes place in three places.
A part of the story takes place in Portland, Oregon.
Another part of the story takes place in the Cranberry Moon Empire. This is the mysterious place that CB learns about as she digs more in-depth about what is causing the buzzing sound.
I am thinking about adding a few pictures in the story, and then you will take off with it by using your OWN imagination.
Yes, use your own imagination; it will expand your universe.
The Cranberry App will be on sale shortly in the App store for purchase. Until then, I will talk about the characters and other updates.