I plan to do Friday Fractal Art with Jupiter’s character series from the eyes of my characters in the books I am writing. There are characters in my books who love fractals four from different stories stand out in my mind. There is Mrs. Bear from the interactive novel Cranberry Moon Empire. Next up is Zaniah. She is an Australian living in Seattle in the novella Peach Pie Brings Snow. Another character is Annika from the book
All of those characters I am writing about do not know each other, but each has affection for art for different reasons. Today, I am exploring the reasons why they create their art.
Mrs. Bear from the Cranberry Moon Empire
Vega Bear, known as Mrs. Bear to CB, likes fractal art. Why would Mrs. Bear like fractal art? There is so much about Mrs., Bear, well, how can I say this… is so ordinary, yet, it is not every day CB runs into a lady like her. Mrs. Bear doesn’t deny it, she even she says so to CB, but that is not why she likes fractal art.
I think she likes to create fractals because of the sharp, beautiful colors. She is also fascinated with space, symmetry, and texture that resembles her environment. She always had an interest for the abstract style.
An image she creates would look like this. This is a blue-sky cave.

Zaniah from Peach Pie Brings Snow
Zaniah is relatively new to Seattle. She loves hanging out with her new friends, especially in the coffee shops, when her friends go at least once a week. The problem, she is not as talkative as the others in her group, and she doesn’t drink coffee or tea. She likes to drink plain almond milk. Occasionally, she likes to indulge in a cup of hot chocolate or just almond milk. However, she likes to keep her hand busy. She loves to take a real setting and infuse abstract media. Currently, she takes a lot of pictures of coffee and pastries in the coffee shop. She also pays homage to the night stars and creates an abstract to each known star in the universe. Here is a recent fractal work she did.

Anneka from Scider the Wizard Cat
Anneka would use it at this time because she is experimenting with different art styles. Though she loves her traditional style of painting, she is interested in taking on a new art form. She likes playing with the idea of mixed media.
Knowing her a little better, I anticipate she would enjoy creating a piece like this. What do you think it is?

Dr. Lucid from Robotic Confessions
It’s unclear to me why Dr. Lucid would like this particular form of art over the others, but as I write about his character, I am learning, he is fascinated with moving art. At this moment, I would say Dr. Lucid likes it because he wants to decode art, science, nature, and people. What an excellent way to play with the abstract while he multitasks.
Here is a piece he would create.
I plan on creating a weekly series of abstract art on this blog or on one of my social media channels until I release the books. If you are interested, please check out fractal art with Jupiter’s characters at one of my social media sites.
For now, here is the current status of the novels and novellas.
Cranberry Moon Empire is almost finished and is soon to be released as a story app.
Peach Pie Brings Snow in progress
Robotic Confessions in progress