This post is a simple breakfast eating series inspired by writing my interactive novel, Cranberry Moon Empire. I am still working on the story with a developer since it is going to be in an app format.
Now, let’s get to business. How to eat simple breakfasts with a little fun?
There is no one right away when it comes to eating cereal. However, if I were to choose a few of my characters from my current novel, this is how they would probably eat it.
Not just probably, more than likely. I tried to do the best imitation of them here.
For this series: I choose two characters: Nina and Newton. I chose them because they could eat the same cereal, but they wouldn’t drink the same milk. How complicated can milk be? Well, go to a good coffee store in the PNW, and you will find out. Since these characters are based in Oregon, I expect that they would ask something in the nature of, “What kind of milk would you like?”
“Ummm…What kind do you serve?”
“We have whole milk, 2 percent, soy, low fat, lactose-free, almond…”
Anyways, getting back on track from milk to cereal.
If Nina were to eat cereal, she would add probably a banana to her cereal. Yea, she would since she is trying to learn about good morning fruits.
Here is a peek of her morning cereal routine when she is squeezed for time.
Eating a bowl of cereal with milk
She takes a bowl, a pretty clean bowl that she likes to see in the morning.

Pours her favorite milk, no measurement is necessary for her.
She takes a ripe banana and enjoys the color and the ripeness of the banana.

She peels the banana, slowly, one peel after another peel.

Oh, yea, did I mention, she would be playing some morning music in the background. Knowing her, she would play jazz music.

As the morning jazz continues, she keeps peeling the yellow skin of the ripe banana.

After she peels it, she takes a knife and slices it almost very round.

She admires her work. That is part of her morning meditation. Admiring small things she created.

She dumps the slices right on top of her cereal. A little drop of milk splashes but it is contained in the bowl.

In a few seconds her spoon digs in.

I added a black and white version since the main character is into black and white photos.
Now, let’s move to almond milk
How to eat cereal with almond milk?
There are two things Newton loves when it comes to food. Newton loves raspberries and almond milk.
Yea, he has been drinking milk for a long time, and that is how he takes morning latte too.
Here is a demonstration of his morning routine.

In winter, sometimes he heats his milk too.
He takes a bowl and pours some milk.

He throws a raspberry in the milk to admire its beauty.

Then, he wastes no time adds the cereal and top it with his berries.

How about the main character?
The main character, she is so busy chasing dreams. She would be happy to eat dry cereal on some days and other days…whatever milk that Newton has gotten in the fridge.
Some additonal photos:
I added the picture below because that was one slice that got away as I was placing it in the bowl. There is always one of those when I do my demo pictures. So I decide to be artistic with it. Hence, the one that got away is blue. I guess it is a blue blopper.