The cast of characters in the Jupiter universe is celebrating the month of October.
What do they like to do in October?

Let’s see there is Nina from Cranberry Moon Empire. She usually travels and then gets back by the middle of October to go to Portland Halloween parties.
There is CB. Well, if you are reading Cranberry Moon Empire, you should know what’s happening now to CB.
Mrs. Bear. Well, she doesn’t mind decorating a pumpkin or two.

Victoria is focused on astrophotography.
Lionel, he likes to hang out at the pubs, and go out with his friends, but when he is not, he loves to grill. He doesn’t have a date with anyone today, so he will be indoors cooking.
Let’s see what he is grilling tonight.
Well, there might be a change of plans. It is raining in Portland now, so no outdoor grilling tonight for Lionel. He is still working on his deck cover, until then…
“Let’s see I have some meat and potatoes. I want another side. I would like to have something easy, something hardy, and something green,” he mumbles, sliding his door to his patio.
He walks to the kitchen and looks in his fridge. His scans the long green beans, and his eyes passes up on red chard to the side. Neither are hardy enough for him tonight. His hand scoots the mustard and ketchup bottles on the last shelf. What are they doing on the last shelf. They should be on the side shelf. That’s right he had a party last week with some of his pub mates and stayed up too late…
“Bingo!” He pops his mouth in excitment. A little happy dance and his hand reaches for the very thing he is looking for tonight.
Brussels sprouts it is. He is going to have Brussels sprouts with his roasted potatoes and his side of meat.
This I can have fun with tonight,” he says and puts them in a strainer.
Here we go
He cleans his Brussels sprouts, picking off dented and yellow leaves and then cuts the chunky top off. He then rinses them and throws about a dozen of those in a skillet to boil them.
Once boiled, he adds a little bit of olive oil to pan-fry them.
Almost done.

“Wait a minute. What was that?Did you that Brussels sprouts moving?”
“This is why I like grilling outdoors,” he says, his eyes getting bigger.
He flips the Brussels sprouts. It does that thing again.
Just then his friend, Nina calls.
“Nina you won’t believe this. The one or two Brussels sprouts…it is jumping in the pan.”
“Lionel, if you can’t stand the heat.”
“Never mind, Nina. I can stand the heat. I am just going to throw some chopped garlic and sprinkle some salt and get on with my business.”
That’s why he is calling them October Spooktacular Brussels sprouts.
Oh, yea, they taste good too.

However, in the Peach Pie Brings Snow, they are hanging out at one of their favorite donut shops. They are going to have spooktacular desserts first before they go and have a hearty dinner.