Photography & Prints
in the Jupiter Universe
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What does autumn feel like in the Jupiter Universe?
What do some of my characters in the Jupiter Universe like to do? They enjoy reading. They like to eat, some love to cook, and some like to bake.This would be a series of their dietary habits. Going into the Jupiter Universe Café wake up to biscuits Home made biscuits...
Sunflowers in nature and in art
Bursting Sunflowers Sunflowers seem to have a certain appeal about them. Sunflowers seem to have a constant smile on their face, like Pomeranians. Of course, that is comparing sunflowers to Pomeranians, but both to me have a light effect. Then one day I was shopping...
The rose gallery inspired by writing Scider the Wizard Cat
The Process While writing the short novel, Scider the Wizard Cat, there were a few scenes that I talk about flowers. For that, I stepped outside to smell the flowers. The roses were always out in the backyard. I can see the buds form in May and fulls blooms in June....
Yucca plant to the rose
A short prose about the flowers in the tiny garden Life in the garden It goes deep, Watch the stabbers and pokers especially those that sit on the throne and poke you when you don’t look. And what do we have here? A fallen rose petal. Oh, Rosie rose, Who stands next...