sunflower black and white

sunflower black and white

Bursting Sunflowers

Sunflowers seem to have a certain appeal about them. Sunflowers seem to have a constant smile on their face, like Pomeranians.  Of course, that is comparing sunflowers to Pomeranians, but both to me have a light effect.  Then one day I was shopping for summer herbs in Swanson’s nursery.  There on an aisle, I saw a sunflower just beaming.  The splashy yellow petals on the giant flower made me wanted to plant sunflowers in the yard.  It was the last one they had so I thought I would wait till next year to plant them.

Sunflowers in nature

In the meantime, I decided to enjoy them through by taking pictures.  Here are a few photos I took.

Sunflowers in nature and in art

Sunflowers in nature and in art

The breeze was smashing its petals, but it held on.


Sunflower center

Sunflower close up

The wind blew a tiny petal right into the center.

sunflower black and white

sunflower black and white

Sunflowers in art

Here are some kaleidoscope sunflowers.

Sunflower Kaleidoscope bright

Sunflower kaleidoscope bright.

It was so bright.  At first, I thought it was so bright that I need to wear some sunglasses.

Sunflower by the dozen, Kaleidoscope

Sunflower by the dozen, Kaleidoscope


Kaleidoscope sunflowers

Kaleidoscope sunflowers

If you like to view more, I will post more on Pinterest.