What do some of my characters in the Jupiter Universe like to do? They enjoy reading. They like to eat, some love to cook, and some like to bake.
This would be a series of their dietary habits.
Going into the Jupiter Universe Café

up to
Home made biscuits

Autumn is
the tip.
Guess what she is going to do today?
She loves to wake up to the smell of coffee and biscuits. The skies are turning darker faster. The breeze is coming in through her opened window. It is her off day.
She was in the mood for something spectacular.
She made coffee, no sugar for her, please.
Today, she has a hundred things to do. Yet, she hasn’t even changed her pajamas to her day clothes. She could slip on the new shirt that she bought, slip on her jeans, put on her most comfortable fall shoes, and go for a drive. Then, on her way back, she can stop and pick up a few items from her favorite hangout.
Well, she has been there three days the past three weeks. She needs a new ambiance.
How about calling her? No, scratch that idea.
Not on New York Time
The phone pinged with a text. She knew that was her friend in New York checking on her. Her friend misses her, but she was still trying to settle in her new place. If she answered that phone, she would be on that phone for hours. So she let the phone perch on the table, on the bookshelf.
The warmth of the coffee cup she was holding was getting lukewarm. She decided she was in the mood to be alone. Her eyes scanned her kitchen cupboard. Up in the corner was her rolling pin and board and glass bowl.
She grabbed her glass bowl, baking tools, and her baking ingredients. She propped her flour on the counter and measured a cup of flour.
What does autumn feel like in the Jupiter Universe is a piece inspired by the short novel I am writing, Peach Pie Brings Snow.