Clouds, clouds, clouds

Clouds always had fascinated me.  In the Pacific Northwest, I can look up at the sky and one minute, and there are white puffy clouds. Next hour, the same sky is painted grey with gloom lingering.  Not all grey clouds are gloomy; some are mysterious looking to me like this one here.

Mid September clouds in the Pacific Northwest

Mid-September clouds in the Pacific Northwest

This picture reminds me of dust and cloud angels surrounding them and hosting a party.

March clouds in the Pacific Northwest

March clouds in the Pacific Northwest

I had paid attention to the clouds before here, but I didn’t start heavily paying attention until I started writing this short story about a Merman (more on that in another blog).

Grabbing my camera

One of the characters in the short story that I am currently writing is affected by the cloudy weather.  So, that gave me some inspirations to go and do some research of the clouds in each month in the PNW.  For me, that meant to go and take pictures of clouds.

I had some pictures already in my photos app that I had taken the last few years.  When I looked through all my pictures to select the clouds noticed that I only had clouds for four or five months. I grabbed my camera and started clicking.  Here is to PNW clouds.


Winter Months

January clouds in the PNW

January clouds in the PNW

Photo taken on a train ride at Kelso, WA.

February clouds in the Pacifiic Northwest

February clouds in the Pacifiic Northwest

What do these clouds in February remind you of?  I guess that’s why some people in the PNW seeks the sun either going to HI or Florida or to some sunny internationally right about February.  This picture was taken at Discovery Park.   On a sunny day, if you stand there about the same area, you can see glorious Mt. Rainier.

Spring Months

March clouds in the Pacific Northwest- Seattle

March clouds in the Pacific Northwest- Seattle

March is about the time sun perks up, although it is on and off.  This day in March was more on than off.

April clouds in the Pacific Northwest

April clouds in the Pacific Northwest, partly sunny.

Tulip Festival, Mount Vernon, WA.

April Clouds in the PNW

April Clouds in the PNW

Some pictures of the Tulip for your viewing pleasure.

May clouds in the Pacific Northwest

May clouds in the Pacific Northwest

This was on a road trip passing through Monroe, WA.

Clouds each month in the Pacific Northwest

More May clouds in the PNW

This picture was snapped on a ferry from Seattle to Bremertron.

May clouds in the Pacific Northwest, what clouds?

May clouds in the Pacific Northwest, what clouds?

Some say, “On a day like this is “where you can see forever.”  I haven’t seen forever, but this was a picture perfect day, not even a sneaky cloud in the sky.

You can see views of both the Cascades and the Olympic mountains. That blue water with soft white waves are the views of the Puget Sound with the backdrop of the Olympic Mountains.  Some lucky person was taking a sail on a day they can see forever.

Summer Months

Late June in the Pacific Northwest

Late June in the Pacific Northwest at Carkeek Park

A mostly a sunny day with very little clouds and lots of blue skies. Pebbles (not sand) and green seaweeds and algae on the pebbles are part of the beach experience in the upper Pacific Northwest.

June Clouds in the PNW, at Seaward Park

June Clouds in the PNW, at Seaward Park

It was not a sunny day but not a cloudy day either. June could be like that, some days like the month of March, April, and May, and other days of June could be like October, November, and December or just June surprise.

July clouds- Seattle.

Look at that bird seeking. I believe it was seeking for the summer sun on a partly cloudy day.

Clouds each month in the Pacific Northwest

July clouds in the Pacific Northwest

Again at the Discovery Park on a mostly cloudy day.

August clouds in the Pacific Northwest- Seattle.

August is more sun happy than the other months, but this is Pacific Northwest, not San Diego. Even in August, there might be a small chance you might still get the PNW weather– cloudy, mostly cloudy, partly sunny.

Autumn months

September clouds- Castle Rock, WA

September clouds- Castle Rock, WA

There was a mix of fog and clouds when we were driving.  Can you even see the sky anywhere?  Yea, a true Pacific Northwest cloudy day.

September clouds in Portland

September clouds in Portland

I don’t mind cloudy days like this as long as long I have a good cup of coffee, some excellent chocolates, and a good book or a movie.

September clouds in Oregon

September clouds in Oregon

Dalles, Oregon. Cloudy or Partly cloudy? I would say Partly cloudy.

October clouds in the PNW

October clouds in the PNW, Wenatchee National Forest, Cle Elum, WA

Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy day.  The bright leaves were perking up the road.

October clouds in the Pacific Northwest

October clouds in the Pacific Northwest

Passing through Issaquah, WA. The sun was trying to break out, which can last all day on some days. Mostly overcast with sun breaks.

October clouds in the PNW

October clouds in the PNW

Remember my early post, the one directly above this. We drove ten minutes and found an entirely different stretch of skies. This is a different part of Issaquah, WA. Partly sunny, or going to be partly sunny.

Mostly sunless months

November clouds in the PNW

November clouds in the PNW, Enumclaw, WA.

That is Mt. Rainier in the back peeking at us.  Partly sunny, wouldn’t you say?

November clouds

November clouds

Ah, I couldn’t talk about the PNW without mentioning how the clouds look over the Space Needle.

Here is one shot.  The water and the clouds are almost getting to be the same shade of grey.

November clouds at the park

November clouds at the Gas Works Park.

Another view of the view of the grey clouds.  In case you missed it, the sun is trying, trying, trying to break out in the upper right-hand corner.  However, the clouds wouldn’ let it,  Who is the boss around in the sky, the sun or the clouds?  I guess that depends on what world you live in.  Good thing I write fiction because most times I only see artificial light unless I go and do research for my characters.

Winter Months

Late December clouds in the Pacific Northwest.

Late December clouds in the Pacific Northwest

It snows in the Seattle surrounding area, but not often. When it does, that’s another blog.

To learn more about the Pacific Northwest weather, consult the weather channel.

I will add more pictures to my Pinterest site, if you would like to see more clouds.