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Pumpkin Art

Pumpkin Art

 To Do List I keep meaning to go to a pumpkin patch, but haven’t worked my way to it. Most of the ones I looked up are quite a ways from where I live. In the meantime, I will just add to my places to go around here list. Today, though, when I went shopping at my local...

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Artwork inspired by Scider the Wizard Cat

Artwork inspired by Scider the Wizard Cat

Current Project In the current book, Scider the Wizard Cat, that I am writing there are five inhabited islands. There are also hundreds of uninhabited islands. I could spend quite a bit of time on each island as there are similarities and differences; however, for...

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Sunflowers in nature and in art

Sunflowers in nature and in art

Bursting Sunflowers Sunflowers seem to have a certain appeal about them. Sunflowers seem to have a constant smile on their face, like Pomeranians.  Of course, that is comparing sunflowers to Pomeranians, but both to me have a light effect.  Then one day I was shopping...

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Clouds each month in the Pacific Northwest

Clouds each month in the Pacific Northwest

Clouds, clouds, clouds Clouds always had fascinated me.  In the Pacific Northwest, I can look up at the sky and one minute, and there are white puffy clouds. Next hour, the same sky is painted grey with gloom lingering.  Not all grey clouds are gloomy; some are...

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