Bursting Sunflowers
Sunflowers seem to have a certain appeal about them. Sunflowers seem to have a constant smile on their face, like Pomeranians. Of course, that is comparing sunflowers to Pomeranians, but both to me have a light effect. Then one day I was shopping for summer herbs in Swanson’s nursery. There on an aisle, I saw a sunflower just beaming. The splashy yellow petals on the giant flower made me wanted to plant sunflowers in the yard. It was the last one they had so I thought I would wait till next year to plant them.
Sunflowers in nature
In the meantime, I decided to enjoy them through by taking pictures. Here are a few photos I took.
The breeze was smashing its petals, but it held on.
The wind blew a tiny petal right into the center.
Sunflowers in art
Here are some kaleidoscope sunflowers.
It was so bright. At first, I thought it was so bright that I need to wear some sunglasses.
If you like to view more, I will post more on Pinterest.